Jan 26, 2009

Broken (or Cracked) Rib

I did a stupid thing. I was reaching over the fence at the house trying to unplug a string of lights when I heard (and felt) a loud POP in my lower chest. I've had this happen before. A cracked rib and there's nothing you can do but wait for it to heal. That, and try to keep from re-injuring yourself -- which is what I've done this time. This morning, I woke up in a lot of pain. I must have slept on my chest. Deep breathes hurt. Twisting hurts. I just have to take it easy and remember to sleep on my back. And maybe get a bone density test and find out why my bones are cracking.

Jan 24, 2009

I am a bad blogger

The month of November passed with no blog entries. December came and went. No entries. New Years Day...nothing. But, alas, I am finally round to posting again. And trust me, I feel more sure that there will be activity that I will need to share. I have been active in Facebook as of late, and I have my own art projects I am working on, so stay tuned for that. I face new found vitality and will need an outlet. Please subscribe or check back often.
