Jul 9, 2006

Montenego - Day 2

I arrive in Ulcinj totally exhausted. But, equally, I feel exhilirated. I am supposed to go to the Old Town but Vahida doesn't answer her cell phone. No problem. I find a guy selling cigarettes by the beach who speaks enough English to help me find Ismet, the 'mayor' of Old Town. Five minutes later, he is walking me up the stairs to the Old Town where he takes me directly to Vahida's house. Fellow Americans Colleen and Shawn have arrived, as well (we were all on the same train, but we didn't know it), and we meet for the first time. I also meet Rushit from Kosovo, Ana from Serebia and Ioan from Romania. More on all these later, but first, images of the Old Town.

Vahida tells us that we are going to Ada Bojana (at least, I think that's where we went first). On the way to the van that will drive us there, we pass the jail where Cervantes was imprisoned. By then I have meet Marko and Tamara, a married couple from Serbia (who I will later stay with on my trip home), as well. In the photo below are Marko and Rushit with Shawn, Tamara and Ioan looking into the prison.

We pass the Orthodox cemetery on the way to the van.

When we get to Ada Bojana, I learn we are to clean the boat. Well, technically, Marko, Tamara, Ana, and Vahida begin cleaning and tell us to hang out. But, watching them go at it for half an hour, we all decide to pitch in. This is the closest to the 'slavery' that I got 'sold into' (everyone kidded me about that happening). We will end up using the boat later during the residency.

Wild cat eating a fish head.

On the way back to Ulcinj, we stop at Copa Cabana in Ada Bojana, a huge beach that goes as far as the eye can see.

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