OK. Call me crass. I am selling t-shirts via goodstorm.com (capatalism done right). I wanted an outlet to make more political "art" and became very comfortable with the idea of goodstorm. The numerous non-profits that are aligned with them gives me confidence that they are a truly progressive partner. I like the agit-prop aspect of the concept. Here's part of their philosophy:
We don't think capitalism is necessarily a bad thing, especially when it's done right. That is, when the process is transparent and everyone gets their fair share. We do our best to use products made in America by sweatshop-free labor, whenever possible; and we are committed to earning profits for our community of do-gooders and designers.
These two designs are simply the statement "BUSH LIED" over distinct graphics: first, a chart depicting the number of coalition deaths over the course of the war and second, a map of the US depicting the cities that the dead American soldiers came from. The phrase "bush lied, they died" has been pared down. Obviously, we know Bush lied and that is the point in this series of shirts. I prefer using statistics to make didactic points.
More to come....